Issue II

Militarized Media: Power, Propaganda, and Press.

Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Media Reportage in Kashmir


Aasia Jeelani- A Kashmiri Feminist Trailblazer

  1. Territorial Disputes and Media Representation: A Case Study of Kashmir and West Papua, Aashna Jamal

  2. Memoir of a Lockdown, Bisma Bhat

  3. I Would Grown Up to be Collateral Damage, Farah Bashir

  4. I Am Not One Story: The Metaverse in Kashmir, Hameeda Syed

  5. Politics of Humor: Women in Political Cartoons of Kashmir, Heeba Din

  6. In Kashmir Internet Access and Social Media Visibility are Both an Uphill Battle! , Ifat Gazia

  7. The Many Projections of a Normal Life: Everyday Photography and Visual Production in Kashmir, Sadaf Wani

  8. The Sounds of Silence: Self and Censorship in Kashmir, Samreen Mushtaq

  9. Mediating Experiences of Kashmir: Thinking through the Abrogation, Souzeina Mushtaq

  10. Speaking Kashmir in India: A Cautiously Optimistic Note, Vanessa Chisti

  11. ZW Issue II Cover Art Explainer