Episode Four: STEM

In the fourth episode of The Zanaan Wanaan Podcast, we discuss STEM as a stream in the context of Kashmir. With a focus on physics and computer science, this episode discusses the need for a shift in sciences beyond Medicine and Engineering, the application of STEM in research and practice, the importance of representation to address the gender parity in STEM, scope and opportunities offered by data sciences, coding etc. For this episode, we were joined by three wonderful students and practitioners in the field:

Arooj Khalil is enrolled in the graduate programme in Theoretical Physics at the Queen Mary University of London where she was awarded a scholarship. Previously, she studied Physics at Miranda House, University of Delhi. Her master’s thesis explores the formation of protoplanetary discs around young stars and the problem of angular momentum. She has also carried out independent research on various papers of quantum entanglement and physical reality.

Insha Kanue has a Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering from the Islamic University of Science and Technology. She was awarded the Naropa Fellowship in 2020 and Plaksha Tech Leaders Fellowship in 2021. She is currently working on her own startup, Byoul Agritech Solutions, which is a smart farming platform to monitor and control the crop field, automate agricultural tasks and provide data-driven decisions and predictions.  She is also a partner at a Logistics startup Fastbeetle.

Adeeba Tak is an undergraduate student studying physics and mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania. She was awarded a full scholarship to pursue her undergraduate degree in 2018. She is interested in particle physics and has done her research for Snowmass in 2021.